Login Menu Help Page

Access Your Account

If you have already created an account on this site, select this option to log into your account. The Account Summary page then displays all online forms you worked on in the last 90 days while logged into your account. You can also access your Client Benefit Account information once logged in. If you are in the middle of completing an online form, you stay on that page after logging in.

Access Your Partner Account

If you are a Community Partner and have previously registered with the site, select this option to log into your account. Your organization's Summary page then displays a list of all online forms started or completed in the last 90 days. If you are in the middle of completing an online form, you stay on that page after logging in.

Access With Temporary Code

If you don't have an account on the site but saved your unfinished online form with a Temporary Access Code, select this option.  Then enter in your Temporary Access Code and the password you created when you saved. The Temporary Access Code is an 8 letter code generated by the site when you save a form without having an account (example: ABCD-WXYZ). NOTE: This temporary code is not the same as the numeric Tracking ID assigned to each online form.