Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Cash for families with children Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) Cash for refugees Pregnant Women Assistance Aged, Blind, or Disabled Cash Assistance Program Cash help for individuals who are not able to work Washington Basic Food Program Help with putting food on the table Aged, Blind and Disabled Medical Program Medical coverage for aged, blind or disabled persons Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities (HWD) Program A program that allows you to purchase health care by paying a monthly premium (based on your income) if you have a disability and are working. Medicare Savings Programs Programs to help Medicare recipients pay for all or part of their Medicare premiums Child Care Subsidy Programs Help low-income families pay for quality child care while participating in approved activities. Care in your home Medical assistance and help paying for personal care at home Care in a residential facility: Assisted Living Facility / Adult Family Home / Other Medical assistance and help paying for personal care in an alternate living facility. Care in a nursing home Medical assistance and help paying for services provided in a nursing facility. Tailored Supports for Older Adults (TSOA) This program may pay for services to support your unpaid family member caregiver, such as counselling, training, specialized medical equipment and respite care. It can also help with personal assistance services if you don't have a caregiver. DSHS Emergency Programs Programs that help in emergency situations |