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Substance Abuse Disorder Treatment Services
Washington 211 Search by zip code for resources in your neighborhood.
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Find information about substance abuse prevention and treatment.
Behavioral Health Treatment Facilities Find information about types of behavioral addiction and where to get treatment.
Dangers of Tobacco and Treatment Programs Get help to quit smoking.
Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco Addiction Treatment Learn about intervention, assessment, and recovery.
Washington Recovery Help Line Call 1-866-789-1511; 24-hour free and confidential support for people with substance abuse, problem gambling, or mental health issues.
Military Helpline Get free and confidential counseling and crisis intervention assistance for service members, veterans, and their family members; call 1-888-457-4838, or text MIL1 to 839863.
Foundational Community Supports You may qualify for support in finding a job (age 16+) or a place to live (age 18+) if you are Medicaid eligible and living with complex health needs. Call 1-844-451-2828 (TYY 711) to find out.
Guides for Addicted Veterans and Their Families Find help from a Treatment Counselor at American Addiction Centers; call 1-888-902-8387 or 1-888-902-VETS.
Veterans, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Substance Use Disorder Learn about treatment and positive coping skills to manage symptoms; call 1-877-941-1505.
Lifeline Connections Find behavioral health treatment services such as detoxification and medication-assisted treatment. For more information, call (360) 397-8246.
Contingency Management Helps Veterans Stay Drug-Free Participate in substance use disorder treatment programs and receive voucher-based rewards and prizes.
Triumph Treatment Services Find help in substance use and mental health disorder treatment, parenting support, and housing assistance for patients. Call 1-509-204-3098 for more information.
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